Buying Sensibly or Swapping
Have you ever thought of swapping unwanted clothes that are in good condition? Or making your own? Or just budgeting better and buying clothes less often i.e. just once or twice a year (for summer or winter) rather than every week?
And don't forget charity shops!
Of course, you can find bargains on eBay - and not just clothes!
If you want to bid for something but cannot be at your computer as the auction ends, you can use this website to monitor the sale and get in at the last minute with a, hopefully, winning bid.
Charity shops usually carry stocks of clothing - well worth a rummage. Click to find a charity shop around Bude or just pop into any charity shop whenever and wherever you see one!
There are several websites now that have lots of discount vouchers for shopping online at various stores - not only for clothes but just about anything and everything from chocolates to electrical goods. Click for websites.
Website with advice on all aspects of sewing - dressmaking and home furnishings. Guide to buying a sewing machine, advice on use of fabrics.
Website with lots of helpful info from how to hold the needles to the point of casting off! Also info on crochet.
If you can sew, you can save money by making your own clothes, quilts, etc. AND using the lovely things you make as presents for other people - pretty cot quilts make sweet christening presents. Moor Sewing, based in Devon, can mail you the necessary material - click for website.
Swapstyle is an online fashion swap party where you can swap clothes, accessories, cosmetics, shoes and lots more with people from all around the world at any time, day or night.
Party and swap at the same time. Swishing involves getting your friends together to swap clothes and party at the same time. Every lady must bring at least one good quality, clean item of clothing, or an accessory, that she'd feel proud to hand on. rejects the term ‘throw away’ fashion, believing that every item can go on a series of journeys from one loving owner to the next. Founded in 2004 by fashionista, stylist and personal shopper, Judy Berger, is the original and first British fashion swap website.