Thurs 3 Aug
Coffee Morning
in the School Room
Just drop in anytime between 10.30am and 12 noon
Sunday 6 Aug
Cafe Church
Informal worship cafe style
Jeremy will be introducing the recent Talking Jesus research
Sun 13 Aug
Morning worship 11am
led by Worship Team
Thurs 17 Aug
Coffee Morning
in the School Room
Just drop in anytime between 10.30am and 12 noon
Sunday 20 Aug
Worship Lunch
worship seated at tables before a delicious roast lunch
If you would like to attend please contact Len or Trina.
Sun 27 Aug
Morning Worship led by the Worship Team
Thurs 31 Aug
Coffee Morning
in the School Room
Just drop in anytime between 10.30am and 12 noon

Five really great tips on how to choose a school

Website features 12 separate exam league tables of almost all UK private schools in terms of A levels, GCSEs, UCAS tariffs, SATS tests, International Baccalaureate points and Scottish Higher results. There are also three exam league tables for boarding schools and one league table for private preparatory schools. You can search for prep and senior schools, those teaching International Baccalaureate and 6th form colleges near Bude or anywhere in the UK.

The Association of Governing Bodies of Independent Schools (AGBIS) supports and advises governing bodies of schools in the independent sector on all aspects of governance, under the umbrella of the Independent Schools Council.  The charitable objects of the Association are the advancement of education and the promotion of good governance in independent private schools.

Gabbitas is the UK's premier independent education consultancy, specialising in: school search and placement advice, guardianship for international students, recruitment and tutoring, higher education and careers advice, summer schools, school start-ups, development and improvement, special educational needs, independent school and SEN guides
The Girls’ Schools Association (GSA) represents independent girls’ schools in the UK - use their school finder to search for girls' schools near Bude or anywhere in the UK.

The GSA provides expert guidance on education for girls helping parents raise happy, fulfilled daughters. Packed full of information, expert opinion and useful advice. The GSA also has a school locator which is handy.
The Good Schools Guide offers lots of expert help and advice on schools and schooling ; school admissions advice, tutoring and school entry examinations, special educational needs, how to find the right school... The Guide covers both state and private fee-paying independent schools and has a good search facility so that you can find schools local to The Chapel or further afield.

HMC (the Headmasters' & Headmistresses' Conference) is a professional association of Heads of many of the world's leading independent schools. It has provided support and advice to Heads for over 100 years and is the oldest and most influential association of its kind in the English speaking world. HMC’s membership includes the Heads of co-educational schools, single sex schools and diamond schools where both single sex and co-educational teaching takes place. The association also includes Heads of schools with a particular religious affiliation or with dedicated provision for children with special educational needs.  Use the search facility on the site to find HMC schools near Bude or worldwide.

The Independent Association of Prep Schools (IAPS) is the professional association for Heads of the leading independent preparatory schools and pre-preparatory schools in the UK and worldwide. Click on the Schools Tab to search for prep and pre-prep schools near Bude or further afield. To find suitable IAPS schools, simply choose whether you wish to consider day or boarding schools and if the school is for your son or daughter. Enter the distance (in miles) from your location to narrow down the search.
ISCO is the independent schools career guidance service - a not-for-profit organisation founded in 1942 to provide careers education and guidance for young people. The foundation provides in-school services and advice.
The Independent Schools Council (ISC) brings together eight associations of independent schools, their heads, bursars and governors. OSC provides research, legal, regulatory and press services to ISC schools. The site has a Find A School tab so you can search for private schools near Bude or throughout the UK
The ISI is responsible for the inspection of independent schools which are members of organisations affiliated to the Independent Schools Council. Use this site to find up-to-date inspection information, support and resources for independent schools around Bude - and discover why their work matters to you!
Use this site to find schools near Bude offering the International Baccalaureate Programme
ISEB offers examinations for pupils transferring from junior to independent senior school at the ages of 11+ and 13+. The main examination is Common Entrance, established in 1904. See resources, syllabi, past papers and general information for parents.