2day Forces websites give you up to date information about your local area, your garrison/station and lots of links to national information including theatres, train times, airports, routeplanners, education, online shopping and much, much more! There is no sensitive military information on any of the sites. Some sites are for stations that have now ceased military operations but remain live for reference and interest of those who served there.
They are listed alphabetically below. Find your base and click - or use the search box above! Check out the Forces Discount Section for all sorts of special deals or useful sites for Service Personnel.
Site Hits: 117 today, 181 yesterday, 2,112 this month, 47,096 last month, 1,188,730 total System Hits: 137,295 today, 298,750 yesterday, 3,649,936 this month, 10,132,985 last month, 1,766,751,988 total