Thurs 3 Aug
Coffee Morning
in the School Room
Just drop in anytime between 10.30am and 12 noon
Sunday 6 Aug
Cafe Church
Informal worship cafe style
Jeremy will be introducing the recent Talking Jesus research
Sun 13 Aug
Morning worship 11am
led by Worship Team
Thurs 17 Aug
Coffee Morning
in the School Room
Just drop in anytime between 10.30am and 12 noon
Sunday 20 Aug
Worship Lunch
worship seated at tables before a delicious roast lunch
If you would like to attend please contact Len or Trina.
Sun 27 Aug
Morning Worship led by the Worship Team
Thurs 31 Aug
Coffee Morning
in the School Room
Just drop in anytime between 10.30am and 12 noon
Valuable resource alerts parents to the symptoms of common illnesses, advice on immunization, remedies and emergency first aid.
National Charities specifically for children on the Charity Choice website.
Read about the louse's transmission and breeding habits, and find out how to inspect a child for lice. Includes instructions for "bug busting."
For All Your Health Care Questions. Advice on what to do if you or your family feel ill plus information about health conditions or NHS services.
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development offers details about research, prevention, epistemology, and employment