Thurs 3 Aug
Coffee Morning
in the School Room
Just drop in anytime between 10.30am and 12 noon
Sunday 6 Aug
Cafe Church
Informal worship cafe style
Jeremy will be introducing the recent Talking Jesus research
Sun 13 Aug
Morning worship 11am
led by Worship Team
Thurs 17 Aug
Coffee Morning
in the School Room
Just drop in anytime between 10.30am and 12 noon
Sunday 20 Aug
Worship Lunch
worship seated at tables before a delicious roast lunch
If you would like to attend please contact Len or Trina.
Sun 27 Aug
Morning Worship led by the Worship Team
Thurs 31 Aug
Coffee Morning
in the School Room
Just drop in anytime between 10.30am and 12 noon
Putting children first in Family courts
Cafcass champions the interests of children involved in family proceedings, advising the family courts in England on what it considers to be in the best interests of individual children.
Agency set up to make sure parents who live apart from their children contribute financially to their upkeep by paying child maintenance.
Helpline for children - Calls to ChildLine are confidential
Website for 13-19 yr olds
One Parent Families / Gingerbread is an independent charity working to promote the interests and welfare of lone parents and their children.
Are you worried your parents are splitting up? If so, this website is to help you understand and feel a bit better.
A Child Contact Centre is a safe, friendly and neutral place where children of separated families can spend time with one or both parents and sometimes other family members. They are child-centred environments that provide toys, games and facilities that reflect the diverse needs of children affected by family breakdown.
If you have recently become a single parent or if you have been one for years, or indeed you are on the verge of separating, you will find this a useful resource.
OnlyMums, working in partnership with professionals nationwide, gives practical, comprehensive and up-to-date information to support you through seperation and divorce.
Stepfamily Scotland understands the problems that stepfamilies face. If you are in a stepfamily already, or about to become part of one, Stepfamily Scotland can provide helpful advice and support.
Site for children who witness domestic violence at home