Thurs 3 Aug
Coffee Morning
in the School Room
Just drop in anytime between 10.30am and 12 noon
Sunday 6 Aug
Cafe Church
Informal worship cafe style
Jeremy will be introducing the recent Talking Jesus research
Sun 13 Aug
Morning worship 11am
led by Worship Team
Thurs 17 Aug
Coffee Morning
in the School Room
Just drop in anytime between 10.30am and 12 noon
Sunday 20 Aug
Worship Lunch
worship seated at tables before a delicious roast lunch
If you would like to attend please contact Len or Trina.
Sun 27 Aug
Morning Worship led by the Worship Team
Thurs 31 Aug
Coffee Morning
in the School Room
Just drop in anytime between 10.30am and 12 noon
Upon divorce, many women want to revert to their maiden name.
Divorce Recovery Workshop is a self-help course that will help you deal with
the emotional trauma of a relationship that has broken down.
The FMC is dedicated to working to promote best practice in family mediation
The Family Mediation Helpline is staffed by specially trained operators who provide:
• general information on family mediation;
• advice on whether your case may be suitable for mediation;
• information about eligibility for public funding, and;
• contact details for mediation services in your local area.
Family mediation is a voluntary process by which couples in dispute, particularly those going through separation or divorce, are helped to deal with arrangements for their future.

Many couples prefer to negotiate their own private arrangements with the assistance of a family mediator rather than put their decisions in the hands of the courts.
NFM is a network of local not-for-profit Family Mediation Services in England and Wales which offers help to couples, married or unmarried, who are in the process of separation and divorce.
Relate offers advice, relationship counselling, sex therapy, workshops, mediation, consultations and support face-to-face, by phone and through their website.
Resolution’s 5000 members are family lawyers committed to the constructive resolution of family disputes
A registered charity and voluntary organisation, SMC provide a specialist professional counselling service to the whole community, delivered in rural and urban locations throughout Scotland.
SMC relationship counselling services are available to couples or individuals who are married, living together, living apart, divorced or separated.
The UK College of Family Mediators - established in 1996 - sets standards for family mediation and maintains a register of family mediator members who meet those standards; it works to promote best practice in family mediation.
Their website has a Find A Mediator facility.